Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mere Minutes


I recently got married. You would not believe the amount of time, money and planning that went into our wedding. The engagement was almost 9 months, and at the time, it seemed like forever! I would wake up every day and be consumed with ideas and expectations. During this period, there was little else that really mattered. I was not spending time with God; I was not reading His Word and my prayer life morphed into silent thoughts of wedding planning. My life was revolving around this one thing.

Now, only seven months later, our wedding was amazing, but I barely remember much of what we planned. The things that once seemed so big ended up being the very things that got so blurred. The night didn’t seem to last more than mere-minutes and, when it was over, I realized that my existence had surrounded something so momentary.

2 Corinthians 4:18 reads:
“For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” - NIV

When we find ourselves absorbed into the things of this world, are we using our time wisely? Even if the particular thing capturing our attention is one of excitement, joy or happiness, is God not all of those things?

No matter what the source of our focus is, if it is not Jesus Christ, it is temporary at best.

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