Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Only Human


Humanity: we are just awful. Day in and day out, I encounter the obvious sin that encompasses the entire human race. I encounter vengefulness. I encounter liars and thieves. I especially encounter judgment. As a race, we should be ashamed of ourselves. This all being said, while our bodies are consumed with the bondage of sin, our Spirits remain free. Free from malicious intent. Free from self-preservation extremes. Free from ill intent towards our fellow man.

Isn’t this just how life is? Our Spirits are free to live and love with the heart of a lamb, while our bodies are enslaved. Part of being human is the fact that we cannot overcome the desires of our flesh; we cannot triumph over evil or remove the chains we forge in ignorance. After all, we are only human…right?

John 8:36
“If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” – NIV

Not one of us escapes the lie that we are only human. We convince ourselves to put up with the sin in side of us, because when push comes to shove, it will never go away. As humans, we will instinctively crave the desires of this world and never surpass that understanding. We define our humanity as a trap from which there is no escape.

I read once that the root of our “only human” disclaimer is a tendency to settle for spiritual mediocrity. We are comfortable saying that we are free in Christ, but we never experience that freedom in life. We like the status of being free from sin while we settle into the ease of our slavery. I have to wonder if Jesus defines humanity the same way as we do.

Only human? Jesus went to the cross for humans.

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