Thursday, January 28, 2010

What If...


What will days in heaven be like? The bible speaks of heaven, but often with so much imagery that our human minds get lost in the lingo. The book of Revelation tells of gold, silver, angels and citizenship, but what else? We know heaven as our Father’s house, where there will be joy forevermore. So, perhaps, the question should be – where is your joy?

Would heaven be as awesome to us if our spouses were not there? Would heaven be as great to us if our children were not there? What if everything and everyone that we loved most in this world, was not a part of the eternal salvation? Would your heavenly Father be enough?

Matthew 10:37 reads:
“Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me” - NIV

This passage stops me in my tracks. If someone close your heart has already passed away, no doubt you heard the common phrase: “You’ll see them again.” What if that was not the case? Jesus Christ is to meet all of our needs, all of our expectations and all of our desires. He is the only true source of joy. When we foolishly put earthly beings above His greatness, He says we become unworthy.

When we picture heaven, many of us envision Jesus Christ standing before us with open arms of reception. I have to ask: Would we be as complete if He was the only one there?

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