Monday, January 18, 2010

Ask, Seek and Knock


Matthew 7:7-8

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives: he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”

I was reading the Word today (YEA!!! Progress), anyway, I came across this passage in Matthew. It is crazy to me how many times I have read this, studied this, almost have this memorized, but never felt led by it as I did today.

For the past few months, all I have been doing is knocking. My hand is black and blue from front-door bruising! Still, this door remains unopened. Today, as I reread this promise, knocked again and was left outside, I noticed: No where in the passage does it say when the door will open. Who am I to demand immediate reponses? In the NIV translation, the verbs used in this passage are progressive:

“For everyone who asks receives: he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened” - NIV

The verb tenses indicate a CONTINUOUS action. Am I so arrogant to assume that one knock by the Almighty Me will warrant immediate attention? Plus, I can’t help but wonder, what if the door does open? Am I ready to walk thru or will I try to keep one foot in this world and one foot in His?

Perhaps, I was so proud to think that I deserved a door key of my own, to use when I wanted and displace when I wanted. For now, I will wait on Him. And if I know God, when he does open the door, I better know what I was learning in the time between asking and receiving.

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