Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Eager Beavers


I may have spoken about this before, but I used to lead a Campus Crusade for Christ group at UGA. This was right around the time when I first became a true disciple of Christ and was eager to step into any service position available, even if I wasn’t truly ready.

We would meet at my apartment once a week and I would lead an hour long Bible study. This was in addition to the Tuesday night church service that everyone attended and the Wednesday night leadership meetings that I, also, was a part of.

As one can imagine, it did not take long for me to burn out. I was overwhelmed with the amount of commitments that I had rushed into making. There were other aspects of college life that I was forfeiting to be a ministry leader, and frankly, it was just turning into work.

How often does this happen? We become Christians without really considering the amount of sacrifice and dedication that it may entail. Sure, it’s quite easy to utter the Sinner’s prayer and find ourselves saved, but when the time comes to truly follow Christ…are we as eager?

John 6:66
“From this time many of His disciples turned back and no longer followed Him.” – NIV

Never, in His entire ministry, was Jesus ever interested in marketing Himself to the masses. I read once that the invitation of Jesus to His followers was clearly aimed at advertising the costly aspect of following Him, instead of the rewards. As He spoke plainly about what would be sacrificed, He watched the crowds diminish…and He seemed perfectly ok with that.

Jesus focuses on those – however few – who believe Him when He says radical things. And through this radical obedience, an authentic disciple is made.

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