Monday, April 5, 2010

Sacrificial State


Yesterday, my family was able to enjoy some quality time with my husband’s family over a wonderful Easter lunch. With my sister-in-law being pregnant, the conversation naturally flowed into baby land. We discussed strollers, nursery themes and the inevitable childcare plans.

While my husband and I do not have any children (or any on the way), I couldn’t help but think of what our childcare plans would be when the time does come. In our culture and economic state, it is almost assumed that a stay-at-home mom is a thing of the past. To even have that option be a possibility, a certain level of sacrifice would be vital.

Herein lays the problem: Sacrifice. Who like’s the idea of deprivation? Human nature is not one of surrender; in fact, one of our many powers is the power of indulgence. Why would we want to give everything away before we even have it?

Romans 8:29
“God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son. The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him.” – The Message

The life of Jesus was a life of sacrifice. He constantly gave himself up for you and for me. He poured out his time in ministry. He poured out his soul to his followers. He poured out his blood for all.

Chris Tiegreen says that while we may be thankful that he “made himself nothing” on our behalf, we cannot escape the implications of his example: Our attitude should be exactly the same as His. God’s intention for us is to be just like Jesus Christ, it is our purpose. If He is sacrificial, we are to be sacrificial. We are to break ourselves down and build others up. We are to live with nothing so that others can have something.

I wonder: Has there ever been a great victory without a little sacrifice?

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