Thursday, April 29, 2010

Excuse Me


Thursdays, what a day. Within five minutes of being awake, I was automatically downstairs and on my computer. I would like to say that I was blogging during this time, but alas, duty called elsewhere. I spent my day working from home and carrying a fuller load than I ever handle in the office. For some reason, all day today, the requests came pouring in. I did not have a second to eat. I did not have a minute to take a shower. I definitely did not have an hour to write a blog.

Then, to capitalize on my busy day, I rushed to Marietta for a T2 tennis match scheduled for 6pm. There, upon arrival, I was greeted by my brother who had apparently noticed my lack of blog posting for the day. As a natural reaction to his questioning, I opened my mouth and the excuses began to pour out like water. I was busy. I was rushed. I didn’t have time to gather my thoughts. Blah, blah, blah.

Luke 14:18
“But they all alike began to make excuses.” – NIV

Excuses, man are they easy to come by. No matter what situation we find ourselves in, one thing that we can be sure of is our ability to weasel out of responsibility for it.

Regrettably, this realm of our personalities does not elude our spiritual lives. How often do we hear: “Well, the Bible doesn’t say I can’t do this” or “We live in a different time, the culture of Jesus wasn’t what it is today?” Every time a sin is justified, an excuse is made. Every time a moral imbalance seeps into our lives, excuses are made. It would not be far fetched to claim that, in our culture, our ability to make excuses is the single biggest threat against our spiritual welfare.

There aren’t enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses – Marcus Stroup

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